Almost nothing compares to the energy of children finding their way on a blank piece of paper, holding a bulging paintbrush ripe with possibilities. Whether at the kitchen table on an 8 1/2”x11” white sheet of paper and a plastic dime store set of watercolors, or out in the field with that paper masking-taped to a primitive cedar easel facing a sunflower audience-wherever it happens-captivated energy emerges and children “go forth.” No hesitating; no looking around to see what the other guy’s doing; no waiting; no holding back-just pick up the brush, swish it around in the water and paint (the more–the-better). Get the paint to the paper swishing, skittering, glopping and glopping until, according to the artist with face beaming, the composition is finished. Providing a place for that energy to come together and emerge is my dream-my hope-for Art Accelerated in downtown Tillamook. We have an opportunity RIGHT NOW to create a vibrant place where Tillamook County’s children (and adults) are welcome to dive right into art in all kinds of forms full speed ahead! Exploring. Discovering themselves and their worlds. We’re at the very beginnings of creating that vibrant space, but hopefully one day soon, open and ready for art in downtown Tillamook. We hope you join us. Below are pictures of Cindy's grandchildren from the past and from the 2016 Tillamook County Fair.